Intellerts is specialized in sales and pre-sales support for the Z by HP® Data Science solutions, which delivers business insights faster than ever before.
Let us introduce you to HP’s latest game-changing technology.
Assessment and recommendations of the current data science environment of your customers
Data Science Maturity Scan
Data Science Workload
Data Models, Data Warehousing
Data Workflows & Data Processes
Data Science tools & Applications
Data Science Infrastructure/Architecture
Configuration & deployment support for HP Z Workstations
Selecting the right Z workstation matching your data science challenges
Data Science tool selection and deployment using Intellerts Data Science containers (Docker/Kubernetes)
Onboarding support
Data Science Consultancy around Data Processing, Modern BI, AI & ML solutions
Data management – data onboarding, integration, enrichment, cleaning, fixing data quality issues, and creating data marts (“data assurance”)
Data Science solution building, from understanding daily challenges, creating a PoC, and taking the data science solution into production
Learning & Education – practical programs to enhance the skills of employees around data science
Data-driven transformations – supporting the organization in its transformation to become a data/information-driven enterprise
BI/AI Data Analytics & Modelling
AI/BI driven analytics based on customer requirements to automate sophisticated business and decision-support tasks