Automating AI

Automating AI is not really a topic that is high on everyone’s agenda. Everyone wants to talk about machine learning and AI, but automating AI is a different game. Most of what we see is the result of very successful AI applied in a very small domain. However, most companies want to apply AI in […]
Types of analyses

In data science projects, different types of analyses are performed. These may include prediction, classification, pattern finding, forecasting, etc. You may also have to perform data clustering, sorting and trend analysis. These analyses can be done in one of two ways. Either with traditional statistics or with machine learning techniques. It’s important to realize that […]
The process of decision making

When you are in the process of decision making, what should you prioritize? Simply put, your data and access to that data must be a top priority. If you look at the value that your data loses over time and plot it on a graph, you will see that the most value is lost at […]
The Journey of implementing AI

Implementing AI is a long road. But what do you need to succeed on this journey? Many companies want to implement AI in some shape or form. But they need to understand that AI is not a plug and play solution. It is a journey you need to go on. And it’s important to consider […]
AI is not plug and play

AI is not plug and play. Data science is not plug and play either. We know the steps to take to make something work. The components for this process are crucial. Some of these components are algorithms and tools. But they’re not as free as they often claim to be. It’s important to realize that. […]
Is AI going to make things easy?

In this video, Martin Haagoort, CEO of Intellerts, gives his opinion to a very common question: Is AI going to make things easy? “Sometimes, AI appears to be the solution to every problem we have. It certainly feels like there are only success stories in the realm of AI. But when is AI actually going […]
Who is a Data Scientist?

Martin Haagoort, CEO of Intellerts, answers the question: Who is a Data Scientist? “Who is a Data Scientist? Apparently, it’s one of the most sexiest job in the world. Everyone apparently wants to be a data scientist and maybe that’s a good thing. Well, what is it exactly? Is it someone that has so many […]
Het Energietransitie Dashboard

Intellerts’ Energietransitie Dashboard toont en vergelijkt vernieuwende duurzaamheidskansen. Het dashboard combineert verschillende databronnen tot een uniek inzicht. Uitbreiding van databronnen is mogelijk. Groene toekomst Het Nederlands overheidsbeleid geeft richting aan hoe de Nederlandse samenleving als geheel kan bijdragen aan een groene(re) toekomst. Duurzaamheid in energiegebruik is een deeloplossing van dit doel en valt onder het […]
Data Science is a Team Sport

Data Science is a Team Sport. Data Science has developed fast in the last few years due to a range of technological advancements and the ubiquitous nature of structured and unstructured data. Now, Data Science has impacted every industry. Demand for specialized knowledge has increased. As a consequence individuals can’t master every aspect of Data […]
Debunking the AI Myth

Martin Haagoort, CEO of Intellerts, debunking the AI myth: Is your brain a computer? “First of all, it’s a myth to my opinion, and it’s a myth that’s being commonly used by everyone. It’s fed by Hollywood, not by science. And we all use this myth in our day-to-day discussions with regards to AI. I think […]